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This is where I discuss songs and artists that resonate within my soul, are just a vibe, and everything in-between! I'll discuss my thoughts about said music, how it makes me feel, the messages presented in the music, and things of similar nature!

NOTE: Everything on this page is almost entirely subjective. I highly recommend listening to the songs/albums listed on this page for yourself so that you can not only form your own opinion, but more importantly experience them completely blind if it's your first listen. The first listen is always the most special and leaves the biggest impression, so I wouldn't want to rob anyone from an amazing experience because of my opinions. Consider this your spoiler warning!


'What If Winter Comes Early' album cover

This song found its way into my Discover Weekly playlist on Spotify, and its already become my earworm for the week! When I listen to my Discover Weekly playlist, I do my best to listen to every song in it, and add the songs that stick out to me to my Liked Songs playlist. Typically, the songs that I end up liking almost always have one or both of the following attributes:

- It gives me an absolute eargasm from how amazing the music itself sounds.
- The lyrics either flow really well with the music, are very relatable to me/in general, or both.

The main reason this song made it in was because the lyrics were very relatable to me, and the music compliments them very well! With the short introduction out of the way, I'll highlight all of the lyrics that spoke to me in some way, and give my thoughts on them:

"Now I'm tied to lies on my pocket computer
Feeling like a loser
'Cause I thought I'd have it figured out sooner
But my past is too present to see my future"

These lyrics are part of the main chorus, and they made me reflect on my current life situation. I am tied to my phone more than I care to admit, and it does make me feel like a loser. You know the paradoxical situation where you're self-aware of your problems, yet simultaneously do nothing to fix them? That's basically me right now. I would like to fix my problems, and I know that I'm more than capable of doing so, I just don't have any immediate reason or motivation to do it. That being said, I know that this is just a temporary slump, and I know that, contrary to the lyrics, I will figure it all out eventually given enough time.

"I drink 'cause I'm sad
And sad 'cause I drink
I smoke 'cause I'm scared
And scared 'cause I think too much
Maybe I'm too much"

These lyrics are the bridge, and they're "literally me" as the cool kids say. I don't drink very often, as I usually only drink to do one of two things: To unmask my emotions, or suppress my emotions. There's no in-between. On the other hand, I smoke so I can just vibe without having to think about anything. Do I do it speficically because I'm scared that I think too much? Not really, although I'd be lying if I said I've never thought that before. There've been times that I wish I didn't know as much as I know. Times that I wish I could just be like everyone else in the world. Then I remember how "everyone else" acts, and quickly discard that idea. Truthfully, I've begun accepting myself a lot more lately, and it's made my quality of life so much better, even though nothing externally has changed! Looking back, I'm eternally grateful to my past self for continuing on with life, even when things got really hard and seemed hopeless. Even though that version of myself no longer exists, I will always be thankful, and will show my gratitude with my actions by building a life that makes me happy, content, and ultimately fulfilled!

Summary/TL;DR - I really enjoyed listening to this song! I think Nate Mitchell has crafted a truly wonderful listening experience with this piece! I didn't cover all of the lyrics in the song, rather just the ones that spoke out to me. That being said, the relatable and understandable lyrics, combined with a fantastic bop to go along with it, made this so awesome to listen to! I look forward to listening to it another 50 times this week, before next week's earworm introduces itself into my Discover Weekly playlist!


'Draining Love Story' album cover

This album was my first experience listening to Sewerslvt, and to say it was an experience would be an understatement. The range of emotions that this album made me feel was truly astonishing. I first discovered this album about three months ago when I was getting into breakcore and looking for more to consume. Now, some people will say that Sewerslvt "isn't actually breakcore" while others will disagree. This part of Coolea's video on breakcore summarizes the difference of opinions pretty well. My opinion? Similarly to Coolea, I could care less. It's genre is irrelevant to how much you'll enjoy it, and I would've enjoyed it no matter what genre it claimed to be.
On that note, I'll now go through each song on the album and summarize my thoughts and emotions for each song:

Love is a Mighty Big Word - It's an introduction song, so it's not a song I regularly go back to. That being said, it's a perfect song to set your expectations for the rest of the album. It does its job as an intro, and it does it spectacularly, so I have no complaints!

Newlove - One of my favorites from this album! It's such a hype song, and just when you think it can't get any better, it does exactly that halfway through! This is one of many Sewerslvt songs that I regularly go back to; I just love this song, and my words do it no justice! Highly recommend!

Yandere Complex - Another very hype song, but for me, it just doesn't hit the same way as Newlove did. Let me be clear: this is not a bad song at all! It's just that Newlove set the bar so high so quickly for me, plus the fact that the song right after this is also my second favorite from the album, and I just end up overlooking this song a lot. That being said, I still enjoy this song when I do listen to it! For me, it's a song you can either dance to or chill to, and I choose to chill to it. Still, it's a great listen no matter which you choose!

Ecifircas - My second favorite from this album! Also the first song that really brought out my introspective thinking, which I didn't expect from such a hype song! The Moral Orel samples enhance this song so much more than if it didn't have them. They also made me realize two things: Firstly, the majority of people, myself included, really take their childhoods for granted. We just assume things will be amazing and happy-go-lucky forever, until reality comes along to put you in your place. Secondly, it reminded me how much I despise children, especially the idea of having my own. Personally, I'd rather not listen to near constant crying, screaming, and bitching every single day, all while watching my bank account bleed money for the next 18 years of my life. If you have or want to have kids, more power to you, but the only way I'm ever having kids is if I'm BOTH very rich so I don't rob them of a good life, and very bored with my future life situation. Otherwise, it's never happening. As I'm in the middle of reflecting on all of that, I got pleasantly interrupted by the best bass drop in the entire album! It came out of nowhere, and had me headbanging like a stereotypical emo teen at a Three Days Grace concert! Hopefully now you can see why Yandere Complex got overshadowed for me, haha!

Lexapro Delirium - This song seems to be a fan favorite for many, and I'll gladly be a part of that statistic, as it's my third favorite song in this album! This just feels like the perfect club/rave music! At the same time, there are times I listen to it for introspection. Similar to Yandere Complex, in the sense that it can be either a dance song or a chill song; which one it is for me depends on how I feel before listening to it. It's going to take a long time before this song loses its novelty for me!

This Fleeting Feeling - This is the song that marks the turning point of the album in terms of emotions. If you're like me and listened to this album for the first time, and thought the whole album was going to be filled with hype dance music, this song sits you down and snaps you back into reality. This song is the perfect music for introspection. When I listen to this song, I tend to really reflect on my life; my past, present, and future not yet known. For example:

"The longer I live, the more my inner child gets suppressed and silenced, be it intentional or not.
I'm scared to grow up.
I may be an adult by definition, but I certainly don't feel like one.
I wish I could go back, and truly appreciate the simpler times.
Back when my only responsibility was going to school each week.
Though if I somehow were to go back to the past knowing what I know now, then by the time I reach the present again I wouldn't be the same person I am today.
Do I want that?
Am I going to be okay?
Is the world going to be okay?
'The future is fiction until it happens!'
At least, that's what I keep telling myself and others.
If I just keep telling myself that everything will be okay, it's sure to turn out that way...

As you can probably tell, this song really makes you look deep inside of yourself and reflect upon yourself. It's truly amazing how music alone can bring out these kinds of emotions and leave you alone with yourself to just think. Whether you see that as a good thing or a bad thing depends on who you are. For me, I think it's amazing! And if you thought this song was the end of it, I hope you're ready, because it's only the beginning!

Swinging In His Cell - This song just makes me feel... angry. The voice samples in the beginning really do a fantastic job of bringing out even more emotions that I never expected it to. When I say anger, I mean the "how could you laugh at such a tragegy?" kind of anger. This song helps remind me that anger is not strictly just a bad thing.

"I always try to suppress my anger out of fear of being judged by others for showing how I truly feel about something. I always try to do everything within my power to make those around me happy, and anything that poses a risk to that my brain considers a problem. Therefore, I don't get angry, sad, or really show any emotion other than positive ones when I'm around others. I want to be a source of positivity for others, not bring others down because of my problems, because my problems are mine to solve and nobody else's. Obviously, doing this is very hard on me. It sometimes makes me feel like I'm not even human. All it does is set up other's expectations, which makes me feel like I have to mask even more to meet their expectations. The more I mask and present this persona my brain's created to others, the higher their expectations get. Thus, it's an endless cycle. Paradoxically, whenever I do help people, it makes me so happy whenever I'm able to make someone's day just a little better! I enjoy making other's happy, as seeing other people happy makes me happy too! I truly do want to make other's happy, but I don't want to sacrifice myself in order to achieve that. I need to find another way, because if I keep doing things the way I am now, it will eventually take it's toll on me. I suppose it's all about balance."

As you can see, this song continues the introspection that This Fleeting Feeling set up, and I certainly won't complain about that! The more I think about myself, the more I can understand and know myself, and when I finally know myself, I can achieve whatever I set my mind to!

Mr. Kill Myself - One of Sewerslvt's most popular songs to date, and for good reason! This is my third favorite from this album, as it's a fantastic middle ground between dance music and introspective music. With the effects from This Fleeting Feeling and Swinging In His Cell still fresh in my mind, this song acts as a nice break to let you sort out your emotions. At the same time, it's introspective parts are there to remind you that the journey isn't over just yet! This song is always a great one to go back to, and while I don't praise it as highly as others might, I still enjoy this song very much!

Down The Drain - My final favorite song from this album, and man is it a good one! I'd go as far to say that it's my #1 favorite from the entire album! It's another introspective song, and given that this track is over 8 minutes, it gives me plenty of time to do a lot of thinking! It's so difficult for me to put into words how this song makes me feel. The beginning makes me feel a mix of emotions all at once as the song builds up, so it's hard to pinpoint exactly what I'm feeling, but it's definitely something. The moment right before the drop makes me feel at peace, and I can't really explain why. Sometimes, you just feel a certain way with no real cause, or the cause is just buried in your subconscious mind potentially, who knows? Actually, maybe melancholic would be a better description. And then as soon as the beat drops, I just feel nothing. It's a very strange mental state to be in. I don't think about anything, and I don't feel any intense emotions, or any emotions for that matter. I just feel nothing. "No thoughts, head empty" is unironically the most accurate way I can put into words how I feel during this part. While that might sound like a bad thing to some, trust me, don't diss it until you try it! Because while this song comes down from the main beat and slowly ends, I still feel empty, but at the same time I feel at peace. If your mind is similar to mine, in the sense that it constantly analyzes everything, this song gives my mind a much needed break from itself. I don't have to think about anything, I don't have to do anything, I can just exist. It's truly bliss being freed from your own mind, finally being able to just be in the present moment, and just enjoying being alive.

Slowdeath - As Love is a Mighty Big Word was the introduction song, Slowdeath acts as the outro song for this album. This song is perfect for giving you the time to sort through everything that this album let you experience, all while being an absolute vibe! While you absolutely could dance to this song, for me it leans more to the introspective side, which makes sense as you're trying to understand what you just spent the last hour of your life listening to. I also feel very much at peace listening to this song too, although I'd describe it as a more serene peace than the melancholic peace I feel listning to Down The Drain. I don't really think about anything specific while listening to this song, but instead I see it more as a reflection song. It's the song that wraps up all of your feelings nicely in a box and puts them away in your mind, ready for you to reminisce on if/when you listen to this album again.

Summary/TL;DR - Draining Love Story is a masterpiece! Sewerslvt is truly a master of their craft, and it's a shame that we'll never see any new songs coming from them (I'll discuss that in a future album discussion). Say what you want about Sewerslvt as a person, but you can't deny that they've made something truly unique and special! There is no other artist that scratches the itch in my brain as much as Sewerslvt. It's such an amazing form of self-expression that I've never seen before, and probably won't find anywhere else to the same extent! I'm forever grateful for what Sewerslvt has produced; they're truly a master of their craft! If I could describe my first experience with Sewerslvt in one image, this describes it perfectly!

If you'd like another perspective on this album, I highly recommend watching Hi - Low's first reaction to this album, as I agree with a lot of his perspectives as well!

To anyone that's still skeptical about giving this album a listen, I completely understand that this album isn't for everyone. That being said, I'll leave you with the following quote that I feel sums up Sewerslvt's music pretty accurately.
I hope you'll ponder it at the very least:

"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable."