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About Me

Greetings, I'm Blazing!

I'm just a guy surviving in a world where he doesn't belong. My only mistake was being born too late.

Melodramatic doomer antics aside, I'm a guy who enjoys games, music, Japanese media, technology, and learning about random topics that peak my interest. I do my best to set my personal biases aside when learning new things, both to keep an open mind and to get closer to the truth. From attempting to understand the nature of consciousness to finding the hidden truths of the universe, if I want to know something, I dive in fully to figure it out. An unanswered question is like a painting hung crooked to me. I suppose learning is one of my special interests, if you will.

I probably should've mentioned this first, but I'm not the greatest at expressing myself if you couldn't already tell. I find that it's much easier and much more comfortable for me to express my hobbies or interests than it is for me to talk about myself, as I'm quite boring in reality. I've never really done something like this to this extent since I was a child, so I hope you can understand and bear with my dry sense of self-expression for myself. That being said, I'm hopeful that the more I work on this website, the easier this will become for me, so this page is definitely subject to change.

So, why did I create this website? What do I hope to get out of this? Originally, I created this website because I really missed the old internet. The internet before corporations started to exploit it for monetary gain, influence, and power. The internet when it was full of magic, potential, and hope. If you've browsed other Neocities websites, you've probably heard some version of this same sentiment, justifiably so. While that will always remain a core reason behind this website's existence, the main reason has shifted since I started to put more time into thinking about my vision for this website. I want this website to be a place where I can express myself without ostracization, infantilization, or any fear of judgement. I want the freedom to express myself and my interests without coming off as "annoying," "weird," or "strange." I want an outlet to be me; where I don't have to hide parts of myself just to be accepted by my friends, co-workers, and society.

Maybe someone reading this can relate to my sentiment. If that person is you, I hope this website and my dumb sob story encourages you to find a way to express yourself with the same freedoms that making this website will (hopefully) provide for me. If you're like me and have no idea where to start, start with finding yourself first. You can't begin to be yourself if you don't even know who you are. Be honest with yourself, and don't be afraid to discover yourself. Yes, there will be parts of yourself that you don't like, that you wish you could change, or parts that you can change but don't know how. Learn to accept yourself, flaws and all. I'll share a quote that I have applied to my life ever since I first heard it, and it has brought me much needed contentment and peace:

"If the problem can be solved, why worry? If the problem cannot be solved, worrying will do you no good."

If there's only one thing that you take away from this giant text wall, just know that everything is going to be okay, and everything will work itself out in the end. Just never give up, especially on yourself. Be kind to yourself too - there's only one of you after all!

Thank you so much for taking the time to browse my website! I hope that I'm able to bring you entertainment, revelations, or any form of value from my little corner of the internet! :)