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Welcome to my mindscape!

This website is still a work in progress, and will be like this for a while. Thank you for your understanding!

Greetings! Welcome to my personal passion project, where I share my interests, knowledge, and discuss random thoughts and topics, all while practicing and refining my HTML/CSS! If this is something you're interested in, then I hope you'll return when I've finished the website's coding and layout. I do plan to keep the site looking pretty minimalist until I change my mind, so this design style will remain more or less the same for now. I have much that I'd love to share, and I hope you'll enjoy the website's progression as much as I will!

Website News:

5/25/24 - Added the Literature page.

4/26/24 - Fixed more grammar and a page linking mistake, and added another teaser for my newest addition.

3/15/24 - Added new entry to the Music page, as well as tidying up the other pages.

1/23/24 - Added the Music page.

12/31/23 - Fixed some grammar mistakes, and added a teaser for the next page I'm working on.

I wish everyone a happy new year~!

12/11/23 - Finished the About page.

12/10/23 - Added Website News to the home page. I plan to move this to its own dedicated page once the rest of the website is completed.

12/09/23 - Added the About page.

10/23/23 - Website created.

Website roadmap (for now):